What's involved with sponsoring Cliffhanger
Cliffhanger would not be possible without the incredible support from our sponsors.
Businesses small and large benefit by affiliating and advertising with Cliffhanger.
Cliffhanger is known by everyone in 4wd. Thanks to 19 years of very successful events with amazing publicity, thousands of DVD sales and 4wd magazines around the world running stories the Cliffhanger brand is well established throughout all of Australia and the 4wd world - and literally "The World". When sponsors advertise with Cliffhanger the teams and people attending are just the stone that starts the ripple that creates the wave that spreads everywhere. So it's not just a matter of whether your product suits our race trucks but rather the respect you will get from your clientele by being affiliated with the established Cliffhanger brand and the reach to all those people who watch and pay attention to Cliffhanger.
Also don't forget we don't just have battle trucks and buggies but also introductory classes for family spec vehicles so if you want more soft-road applications we cover that too.
3 Levels of Sponsorship
We have simplified Cliffhanger sponsorships with only 3 different levels. Levels A B and C.
We have a spot for each sponsor on our Banner and Shirt artwork and sponsors get to select which spot they want.
2 Years of Sponsor Recognition
Cliffhanger is every second year and being the biggest and grandest event of its type gets the most anticipation and coverage. Sponsors are recognised in the full year leading up to the event and then the full year following the event before we start promoting the next one. Let's face it in business there are no other marketing opportinities that last 2 years.
Prizes and sponsor contributions
For many sponsors product is a lot easier to hand over than cash so we shall consider all offers. We don't expect any sponsor to give us actual cash but we can send a tax invoice for advertising and can convert invoice payments into cash for presentation as prizes.
Tell us what spot you want on our banner and we will invoice your business for that. You can simply pay the invoice or send us products.
Going the extra miles for Level A ($10,000) and B ($5,000) sponsors
Every single day now in the lead up to the next event we have 2 action shots scheduled to hit facebook and instagram. Not only are the logos of all our level A and B sponsors across the bottom of every picture but we have also tags to those sponsors' own social media pages.
Cliffhanger has a shopping part in it's web site that's also integrated to social media. Level A and B sponsors can give us details of up to 20 items we can list for sale and you set the prices etc. We advertise this to our 75,000 strong email and sms data base and you could be paying off your advertising with Cliffhanger in no time.
Cliffhanger Workshop Banner
Each team will receive a workshop banner. All Marshals and all sponsors also receive a banner.
All Level A, B and C Sponsors appear on the Cliffhanger banners.
Event Shirts
Every one attending receives an official event T-shirt. Sponsors also receive T-Shirts. We sell additional shirts at the event and online and through social media. There are about 1,000 T-shirts out there for each Cliffhanger.
All Level A, B and C Sponsors appear on the Cliffhanger T-shirts.
Web site and social media links and tags
All Level A, B and C Sponsors receive recognition and have logo links on the Cliffhanger web site and Social media pages.
When we see any sponsors featuring their own social media or get mentioned etc Cliffhanger will share and provide positive contributions.
Photos and Videos
Cliffhanger attracts a lot of professional and ammateur photographers and video makers. The action at Cliffhanger is referred to as our Intelectual Property and a condition of entry is that we be given copies of all of their published material. We use this for our own socials and self promotion but also make it available to all sponsors. It's hard these days for businesses to get action shot images featuring their product and/or their logo and we supply all of this to all Level A,B and C sponsors.
Wrist Bands
When people arrive at the event they all need to register and be given a wrist band that lasts the entire week. Surprisingly very few need replacing. The wrist band is our way of knowing for each individual that monies are paid and more importantly that insurances and important info is sorted.
Level A sponsors appear on the wrist bands.
Trophies & Awards
Trophies are handed out to Driver and Co-Driver for the top 3 places of each class. Level A and B Sponsors appear on the trophies.
Every Driver and Co Driver receives a Participation Trophy.
All Marshals and Officials receive a Recognition Trophy.
No need to send us expensive stickers
We are changing the way we do sponsor stickers on cars. In prior years sponsors supplied stickers for cars and those get expensive. Some of our bigger sponsors gave us the smallest stickers which is a bit unfair and hard to manage appropriate recognition. We produce our own door stickers with the event and sponsor logos all in relevant sizes. Sponsors no longer need to provide us with expensive stickers and we can guarantee that all race cars display event sponsor logos. Note only level A and B sponsors appear on door stickers.
Level A - $10,000
- Significant Social Media on repeated occasions with links and photos / video, advertorials, reviews, comments, support, etc.
- Professionally prepared interviews and social media advertisement.
- Large logo link on web site.
- Large logo on event Tee shirt.
- Large logo on event banner.
- Your logo prominently featured on door stickers on all race cars
- Logo to appear on event wrist bands.
- Supply of free event merchandise
- 4 x Tee Shirts
- 1 x Event Banners
- Write up in event booklet.
- Your merchandise, fliers and handouts in event show bags.
- Access to all official event images for own use - usually over 1,000 pics.
- 5 x free full week spectator passes worth $325 each.
- Permission for you to have your own media crew (paparazzi) preparing your own product material on location.
- If you have a product we can use during the event we shall do that as promotion and demonstration.
- Exclusivity to your market segment
- ADDITIONAL BONUS SPONSORSHIP- During the week camp will be broken into 3 groups. Those 3 groups will have there own individual naming rights. This level of sponsorship entitles you to have one of those groups named after you for the duration of the whole event.
Level B - $5,000
- Social Media on repeated occasions with links and photos / video.
- Medium size logo link on web site.
- Medium size logo on event tee shirt.
- Medium size logo on event banners.
- Your logo on door stickers on all race cars
- Supply of free event merchandise.
- 4 x Tee Shirts
- 1 x Event Banners
- Write up in event booklet.
- Your merchandise, fliers and handouts in event show bags.
- Access to all official event images for own use - usually over 1,000 pics.
- 2 x free full week spectator passes worth $325 each.
- Exclusivity to your market segment
Level C - $2,500
- Social Media on repeated occasions with links and photos / video.
- Logo on Event Banners.
- Logo link on web site.
- Logo on event shirt.
- Supply of free event merchandise.
- 4 x Tee Shirts
- 1 x Event Banners
- Your merchandise, fliers and handouts in event show bags.
- Access to all official event images for own use - usually over 1,000 pics.
- 2 x free full week spectator passes worth $325 each.
- Logo NOT on race cars
Sponsorship Deadlines
Our goal is to have our sponsors sorted ASAP. We spend a lot of time with each sponsor getting to know them and understanding their promotional requirements. We sort art work with each sponsor individually and share drafts for banners and shirts etc and that all takes time.
We have to arrange our Banners, Shirts, Door Stickers and Trophies etc. Some of which is sourced from overseas. We also get very busy in the months leading up to the event.
But more importantly, sponsors don't want to miss out on the anticipation and excitement in the lead up to the event. That can be the best time to be represented as a sponsor especially when teams, support crews and even the officials are spending money on their vehicles in preparation. It makes a lot of sense to have sponsors represented early.
28th February, 2025 is our deadline for taking sponsor nominations. Sponsors can call or email us and we also have a form (below) if that's more convenient.
Steve 0457002200 steve@cliffhanger4wdevent.com.au
Rudi 0428534102 rudi@cliffhanger4wdevent.com.au
In the Sponsor form - let us know the ref number of the spot you like the most.